AIPC History
The American Institute of Polish Culture was founded on February 20, 1982. The organization is registered as a non-profit, non-sectarian, tax-exempt Florida corporation.
The aims of the Institute are:
To enrich both the American and Polish cultures by sponsor-ship of national, social, educational scientific, culture and other evens concerned with demonstrating Polish abilities, traditions and contributions to world cultures.
To create a physical and intellectual environment with will foster and enhance the natural, reasonable, and rightful aspira-tions of Polish-Americans and Polish American organiza-tions and communities, on a co-operative basis, in the State of Florida. At the same time, to maintain and foster the spirit of loyalty and commitment to American ideals which are characteristic of the people of Polish origin in the State of Florida and in the United States.
Toward this end, our Institute has presented artistic events, concerts, film presentations, lectures, exhibits, and introduced to the Tampa Bay area that classic social event of the season –
The Polonaise Ball. At this Annual Gala Dinner Dance we also honor individuals of an American and Polish descent in the Tampa Bay area, whose social awareness and moral integrity enhance the image of Poles in our community.
As we celebrate our organization’s life, the Board of Directors wishes to take this opportunity thank those have supported our efforts to share with all Americans the richness of Polish Culture.
To all of our friends and supporters … Thank you!